Saturday, May 18, 2024

Which Seed are You Watering?


The Bible tells us that with the heart man believes (Romans 10:10).

Your heart is really a mixture of your spirit and soul, not your spirit alone.

God has given everyone (who believes in Him) a measure of faith. (Romans 12:3, Ephesians 2:8).

When this seed-measure of faith germinates up into your soul, and you believe and confess Jesus as Lord, salvation results. You are born again (Romans 10:10, John 3:3-7).

But the seeding’s growth is just beginning.


One who is born into the family of God is one who does the will of the Father (Matthew 12:46-50),

which is to believe in Jesus (John 6:29). But the will of the Father is not just to believe in His Son, but to do as Jesus did—which was to submit His will to the Father. We are to believe in Jesus, and then do the same as He did—submit our will to the Father (Luke 22:42, Luke 9:23).


When your soul so fills with belief in God—when the old strongholds of pride, self, and that which opposes Him are replaced with submission to Him and His will in obedience to His Word—then you have true faith in God. Then you can move mountains. (Mark 11:22-23).


As the old root systems of your soul are removed, the Word of God is given room to grow so it can take deep root in your heart, and fill every place of your heart and soul. Full commitment, full surrender. Full death to the old self. This is what it means to take up our cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23). Then, evidence of your faith—fruit—will be seen in your life.


Prayer: How much do I still feed on what I can “get” out of God? How many of the old thought processes and belief systems do I have? Holy Spirit, purge these from me! I want pure faith in God!


The will of our soul wants to stay in charge. It wants to keep the old roots there, and then as the Seed of God’s Word is planted within us, it wants to feed on that. It wants to consume the Word for its own purposes, devour it for purposes that feed self and oppose God, instead of leaving it to grow and produce the fruit of God’s will in our lives.


In the garden, Adam and Eve were told to leave the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil alone (Genesis 2:17).

But they didn’t, and lost the presence of God. This seed of their disobedience is already in our soul when we are born. Will we cultivate it? Will we eat of its fruit? Or will we leave it alone? If they would have left it alone, their obedience to His Word would have allowed God to continue to walk with them in the cool of the day. But they consumed that fruit for themselves, in disobedience to Him, and were driven from His presence.


Today, when we leave that seed which opposes God alone, and eat of the tree of Life instead—by obedience to Him—we are keeping the presence of God within, allowing Him to dwell in us, walk with us, and fill our heart and soul.


We are born again of the imperishable Seed of the Word of God (1 Peter 1:23). It is life, eternal. We partake of that tree of Life when we believe in Jesus, but then we must water that Seed, nurture that Seed. Just as a seed draws nutrients from the soil around it, and the substance of the plant is formed and created from that, so must we give soil to the Seed—the Word of God which yearns to grow within us. We want to allow the Word-Seed to draw us into it, as seed does soil, so we become what the Seed is meant to become in us—Christ-like. We must give our heart and soul over to the Word of God.


We don’t want to neglect to pursue understanding of the Word of God that we hear or read, allowing it to be devoured. We don’t want to crowd it out with our rocky strongholds, nor allow compromise to compete with its place in our life (Matthew 13).


God placed Adam and Eve in a garden with the tree of Knowledge fully grown, bearing fruit; fruit which was to be left alone, left for God’s purposes. Yet the tree of Life was to be consumed, and their obedience to what God said would water it so it could grow and bear fruit in their lives. Yet we have the seed, the fruit, of that tree of Knowledge in our soul. We inherited it. The only way to not reap the results of that seed, is for the Seed of God’s Word to be planted in us, for us to be born-again, and then for us to nurture that Seed, submitting our will to the Father’s, living in obedience to it, and receiving the life from it.


Today, as believers, we have His Seed planted within us. We’ve been born again of the imperishable Seed of the Word of God. Will we allow it to grow and fulfill God’s purposes in us? What He has destined for us to become? What He has written in His book for us? What He has created us for? Which is to be conformed to the image of His Son, the Word of God, the same Seed. (Romans 8:29). This imperishable, unstoppable Seed will accomplish the purposes of God, as long as we maintain faith in Him, and not let it slip (Isaiah 55:11, Colossians 1:21-23).


They were in a garden with two trees.

We have one of the tree’s seed planted in us at birth.

The other Seed is planted in us at our new birth.

Will we nurture the wrong seed, keeping God’s presence from us?

Or will we give the Seed of His Word room in our life? Will we give it the soil of our heart that it needs to grow us into the image of Christ?


This is why our hearts must be pure, our will (soul) submitted to Him, for us to have answers to our prayers and power to our words. We must first be made into His image.

Are you a Christian? Are you Christ-like?

Is His Seed growing in you? Is that the one you are nurturing?


Being born again is just the beginning. Feed off the right tree. Feed on the Word of God.

Check out Rose's free download, 21 Days to Die; What it means to take up your cross and follow Jesus, and live a resurrected life in Christ.


Sunday, May 12, 2024

The River of His Reality, in us


I don’t think the church grasps the reality of God to the extent He wants us to.

How ALIVE He is. Alive IN US. He is the Living God.

The enemy has sown seeds of deism IN THE CHURCH.

A hazy doubt that keeps people from understanding just how much God wants to interact with us and fellowship with us.


He’s hovering, waiting for us to call on Him, to desperately desire Him.

He is waiting for the church to come to the revelation of His intense desire to interact with us.

Revelation 3:20 reveals Jesus standing at the door and knocking, wanting to come in and dine with us.


We need to remain in constant fellowship with Him.

Filled with and aware of His presence and power within us.

So we can announce, pronounce, declare, and proclaim the Word of the King.

Like the town criers.


When we stay in continual fellowship with Him, filled with His presence, the power is there.

Continual is the key.

It’s not a stagnant pooling, but a flowing river.

Jesus said out of your belly will flow rivers of living water. He was talking about the Spirit (John 7:37-39).

A continual flow.


Keep His flowing presence strong, so it doesn’t dwindle to just a trickle. So His power is available always. The power of the Lord remaining present to heal (Luke 5:17).

Be ready for Him to call on you to release His power, His presence to heal, deliver, and do His works.


Maturity in Christ is not a stagnant collection or pooling up of a knowledge of God.

It’s flowing in the continual flow of His river, His Spirit.

Yet, while the river flows, it is still.

He leads us to calm waters. Still waters. (Psalm 23:2).


Waters that restore your soul and give you rest in Him (Matthew 11:28-30).

When the river is full, it’s moving, not stagnant, yet calm.

In this place, He will reveal Himself. He will show you great things.


“Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3).


He will show You great and mighty things.


They piece together day by day as you fellowship with Him and He reveals Himself to you.

They become a rising stream, a mighty river, overflowing your banks.


Then, like Jesus, we see Him, what He is doing,

And we do the same in like manner (John 5:19, John 14:12)

We see as He sees; we see from His perspective.


We hear Him, what He is saying,

And we say what He says, as Jesus did (John 12:49, Acts 4:13, 20).

We hear as He does; we hear with His discernment,

with His wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.


We are who we are in Him.

Our identity is found in Him.




Thursday, April 18, 2024

You're Invited


Jesus openly invites us to know Him.

But do we invite Him to know us?

Do we open our heart to Him?
He said, depart from Me, I never knew you. (Matthew 7:23).

These ones never invited Him to search their heart.

They never opened themselves up to Him in honesty.

Exposing themselves, making themselves vulnerable to Him.


Do you invite Him to know you?
Do you open your heart to Him?

Do you let His gaze pierce you, and cleanse you?


Search me, O God and know my heart

Try me and know my anxious thoughts;

And see if there be any hurtful way in me,

And lead me in the everlasting way. (Psalm 139:23-24)


Don’t hold back,

Don’t hide,

Don’t be content for Him to

ignore you

overlook you

pass by you

Don’t shrink back from Him.


You don’t want to hear,

“You didn’t let Me know you.

“You didn’t invite Me in.

“You didn’t let Me see you.

“You didn’t let Me cleanse You with My gaze.

“You didn’t let Me purify your heart.

“You didn’t let Me strengthen you.”


He’s not too busy for you.
He’s looking for these ones

To invite Him in.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Effect of an Oil-Softened Heart


Do you agree that we need more of God in our lives, our families, our communities, our nations, and our world today? Why?


So we can live in fellowship with Him.

So we can live holy lives, like Him.

So we can do His work in the earth.

So healing can come.

So life can thrive.

So good prevails.


When you remain in fellowship with the Lord, allowing the closeness of your time in prayer together to linger throughout the day, then this prolonged nearness will continue to strengthen His presence within you, and insight from your conversations will build from day to day.


You will know Him more as He and His truths are revealed to you, like a river that flows and gains momentum. A beautiful tapestry of the knowledge of the Lord unfolds in front of your eyes as the Holy Spirit weaves threads of revelation together, revealing a picture worth a thousand words.


You’ll experience a greater depth of life from His Spirit. And your awareness of His presence will remain with you on a more consistent basis. Not only will you know Him, but He will know you as you allow Him to fully pierce your heart with His gaze. Believe me, you want Him to know you (Matthew 7:23).


It’s continual fellowship with Him that our hearts long for.

Not a chance, brief, or infrequent encounter with the Almighty, but a marriage.

The sweet fellowship of His presence brings joy to your relationship with Him.


To believe in Him is to be-live. To be living in Him, with Him always.

To belong to Him is to be-long. To be longing for His presence with us continually.


Have you ever stirred a jar of natural peanut butter, the kind without added ingredients?

It’s hard, tough, and needs to be softened through prolonged and consistent stirring.

If you don’t stir it, it will become hard and dry.

If you only stir it occasionally you miss out on the effect of the natural oil being constantly available, continually mixed in to create a smooth, sweet substance.

Through regular stirring it will always maintain a soft consistency.

It will always be ready.


Such is a pure heart—a God-owned heart.

His eyes search for those He can shows Himself strong to, those whose hearts are completely His (2 Chronicles 16:9). Those who keep His oil spread throughout their heart consistently. Those who enjoy coming regularly to taste and see that He is good.


His strength, His support, His power comes to these hearts.

If you have His presence, you have His power.

His presence IS His power.

If you need His power, you need His presence first.

He does it this way to protect us from becoming power-hungry thieves who try and steal His glory.

Seriously. Such is the nature of man without God.

We must grow to long for His presence to be always with us.

Only then can we handle the level of power He desires to give us without it destroying us.

And when the power of the Lord is present, He heals (Luke 5:17).

And much healing is needed today.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

God, Look at Me!


God, I don’t ever want to lose a sense of awe in You.

You in me is



What does it mean to be the temple of God?
To be His dwelling place?
To be the place where He rests?

You don’t need safety or protection.

For You are all-powerful.

You don’t need provision.

For You are the Creator of all things.

There’s nothing You need that I can give You.




Something to look at

That’s not opposing You,

That welcomes You.


Look at me!


I welcome Your gaze.

Even though it reveals

Your holiness.

Hold me in Your gaze

Because when You look at me

And I look at You looking at me

I see.

You know. You know me.

And I see

Things as they really are.


Your gaze cleanses me.

So I don’t resist Your Light.

I want You to see it—all of it.

Because when You gaze at me,

You take away what’s dark

And fill me with You.


Isaiah 66:1-2
2 Chronicles 16:9
Genesis 3:10
1 John 1:7
Psalm 139:23-24

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Resurrection Prayer


In Acts 4 we see the account of Peter and John being arrested after preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people who came to them after the miraculous healing of the lame man who used to beg at the temple gate. They were brought to the high priest, the same one who had Jesus put to death. Peter and John spoke to them with such confidence that it was obvious that they had been with Jesus.

13 Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus. 14 And seeing the man who had been healed standing with them, they had nothing to say in reply. Acts 4:13

The high priest, and those with him, were left speechless, especially since the lame man, who had been lame since birth, was standing there with them, obviously healed.

They couldn’t deny the miracle, but they forbid them from speaking or teaching at all in the name of Jesus. Peter and John assured them that they couldn’t stop speaking about what they had seen and heard, and after they were threatened some more, they were released.

They went to their people and prayed. They glorified God, acknowledged that Jesus had been killed in that same city, according to what God had predestined to occur, and then they prayed for more boldness.

 29 And now, Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that Your bond-servants may speak Your word with all confidence, 30 while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.” 31 And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness. Acts 4:29-31.

The words “confidence” and “boldness” in these passages of Scripture are from the Greek word parrésia. You can read more about that in my two blogs God’s Freedom of Speech Definition and The Parrésia Anointing, but it is that darkness-piercing, deception-shattering type of anointing we want to carry with us to set the captives free wherever we go.

With that in mind, here is a prayer based off the prayer of those early disciples, asking for the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus to accompany us to do His will this resurrection season.


Resurrection Season Prayer

This coming season, from now through Resurrection Day, March 31st, I ask Lord God, that You draw us into Your presence, and while we’re there, give us the confidence and boldness that comes from being with Jesus. This season, and beyond, give us the determination to speak, to testify in the Name of Jesus. (Acts 4:13, 20).

I bind the power of all intimidation and threats. They shall not prevail over us. We pray together of one accord, with a united and unwavering heart, to You, O Lord, who made the heaven and the earth, the sea and all that is in them. You are the Creator of all things, and we submit ourselves to You and Your will. (2 Timothy 1:7, Acts 4:24, Psalm 86:11, Revelation 4:11, Matthew 6:10).

Lord Jesus, You laid aside Your glory to come to earth as one of us. And You suffered the end result of the threats of those who mocked You, ridiculed You, hated You, didn’t believe in You, shamed You, and then tortured and killed You. You suffered for us, to bear our sin on the cross, to bring us into Your Kingdom, Your Kingdom of Light. To be Your ambassadors, Your representatives, Your witnesses here and now, to give record and testimony of all You have done for us. And God has highly exalted You and given You a name which is above every other name. (Acts 4:25-28, Colossians 1:13, 2 Corinthians 5:20, Acts 1:8).

So now, Lord, I ask that You grant us, Your bond-servants, to speak Your Word with all confidence and boldness, with parrésia, with Your anointing. The anointing on Your Word, and from Your Spirit, that removes all obstacles, that pierces the atmosphere with Your Light and Truth. (Acts 4:29).

Let the anointing be released by our presence (Your presence in us) and our words (Your Words) to pierce the darkness and shatter deception and confusion. Let it remove blinders from minds so the Light of the Glorious Gospel of Christ shines into the hearts of the people and they believe. Let it bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, freeing the people’s minds, hearts, and wills from the captivity of the enemy who has them bound in the kingdom of darkness to do his will. Let this be done in us as well as those we encounter this season. (2 Corinthians 4:4-6, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, 2 Timothy 2:25-26).

Free them Lord, all those we have contact with, and all those we pray for this season, from their captivity so they can choose You Lord Jesus. Let us speak Your Word boldly, confidently, as led by Your Spirit, and let us carry Your presence to release Your power to save and to heal, while You, God, extend Your hand to heal and signs and wonders take place in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ. (Acts 4:30).

Fill us fresh with Your Holy Spirit, pour out Your Spirit upon us. Pour out Your Spirit from us, through us, as rivers of living water flow out of our bellies. Let the earth be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Flood this place and every place we are during this resurrection season, with the resurrection power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. (Acts 4:31, John 7:38-39, Habakkuk 2:14).


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Opening of the Seals and the Time of the Gentiles


1 I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a book written inside and on the back, sealed up with seven seals. 2 And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the book and to break its seals?” 3 And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the book or to look into it. 4 Then I began to weep greatly because no one was found worthy to open the book or to look into it; 5 and one of the elders said to me, “Stop weeping; behold, the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals.” Revelation 5:1-5

The opening of the seven seals in the book of Revelation was something that only the Lion from the tribe of Judah, The Root of David, or in other words, the Lord Jesus Himself, could do. No one else in heaven or on earth was found worthy to open the book or even look into it.

When John saw Him, He saw Him as the Lamb that had been slain.

6 And I saw between the throne (with the four living creatures) and the elders a Lamb standing, as if slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God, sent out into all the earth. 7 And He came and took the book out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. Revelation 5:6-7

When Jesus came and took the book from His Father on the throne everyone broke out in praise—the four living creatures, the twenty-four elders, the myriads of angels, and even every created thing in heaven and in, on, and under the earth gave praise to both Him who sits on the throne and the Lamb (verses 8-14).

Then John saw the Lamb open the seals.

There are various viewpoints as to what the seven seals are, what they mean, and who the four horsemen are. Consider this:

Do the seven seals in Revelation speak of the ending of the “time of the Gentiles” Jesus spoke of in Luke 21:24?

24 and they will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled under foot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

There is a period of time between Daniel’s 69th and 70th week (Daniel 9:24-27) which is between the first and second coming of the Messiah. This is the period of time we are now in and what Jesus called “the time of the Gentiles.” Paul also spoke of it when he referenced the “fullness of the Gentiles.”

25 For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery—so that you will not be wise in your own estimation—that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; Romans 11:25.

The opening of the seven seals is progressive and quite possibly the revelation of what unfolds during the time period between Jesus' first and second coming, or the church age, as well as a glimpse into the end. In John's revelation, the book and the Lamb appeared at about the same time, which would seem to confirm this thought that the book reveals the church era which began at His resurrection. 

Jesus conquered the kingdom of darkness during His first coming, and the proclamation of what He did began to be preached at that time, and has continued since then. There has been much opposition and attempts by the enemy to prevent it, weaken it, or undo it any way possible.

Let’s look at the opening of the seals to see how we might gain more insight regarding this.

THE FIRST SEAL: The White Horse

1 Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” 2 I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. Revelation 6:1-2

From the perspective that these seals reveal the progression of the church age, the rider on the white horse represents the preaching of the gospel that began with the early church after His resurrection. This rider was given authority, as Jesus had, to conquer the kingdom of darkness and establish His kingdom in the earth. In that light, the rider of the white horse represents the preaching of the gospel throughout the church age, which continues to conquer the darkness and expand the Lord's kingdom, bringing many people into His kingdom of light.

As this white horse has continued to circle the globe throughout the church age, it has not been a smooth and easy road for Christians. Attacks against the gospel have continued. The condition of the world has become less favorable to the preaching of the gospel as the church age has gone on, even more so as the effects of the next three horses increased through the age as well. Yet the white horse rider has a bow and a crown, and continues to conquer, taking ground for the kingdom.

These next three horses—revealed in the next three seals—follow the white horse, also circling the globe, to try and prevent the furthering the gospel, or at the very least, to try and undo its effects, to keep it from taking root or becoming established, and generally wreak havoc in or against the church. 

Remember Jesus said the gospel of the kingdom would be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end would come (Matthew 24:14). The enemy of the Lord and His Church knows this, and these three riders represent his efforts to delay the end and his judgment.


3 When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.” 4 And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him. Revelation 6:3-4

The rider of the second horse takes peace from the earth and causes men to slay each other. The gospel is the gospel of peace. It’s a message of peace between God and man through Jesus Christ. It’s also a message of unity between the brethren. Division in the church is a key strategy against it and the preaching of the gospel. It was granted to this rider to take peace from the earth and to cause men to kill each other. He had a great sword—a weapon which both divides and slays.

Not only would this rider take peace from the church, but from the rest of the earth as well. Any and all types of division can be seen in his work, from the pettiest arguments to the most violent wars. During times of war, the preaching of the gospel is hindered. Potential missionaries become soldiers, travel is more dangerous, and finances may be hindered.

The rider of the red horse promoting war and divisions follows the preaching of the gospel to try and undo or weaken its effects. So, we learn to keep the unity of the faith for the preservation of the gospel. What did Jesus say His commandment was? To love one another just as He has loved us (John 15:12). 

THE THIRD SEAL: The Black Horse

5 When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine.” Revelation 6:5-6

The rider of the black horse brings inflation and famine. If people are impoverished, fighting to survive themselves, they won’t be as apt to give toward the preaching of the gospel. Even living in adherence to the Word of God, walking in the love of God, can be more challenging during these times. The temptation to become fearful and selfish increases.

During difficult financial times, those who are greedy for gain use various means of control to make profit for themselves at the expense of others. The love of money which snares many, causes them to overlook or justify their actions which hurt many people. Lawlessness increases, and hope decreases, as people become desperate. These are trying times.

The rider of the black horse which brings financial disaster follows the red horse of war and division. They both are after the preaching of the gospel--to prevent or undo its power. So we come to a greater level of faith and trust in God to provide, and for the Holy Spirit to empower, as seen in the reference to the oil and the wine. And the harvests continue.


7 When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” 8 I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth. Revelation 6:7-8

The rider of the pale horse had authority to kill ¼ of the earth with sword, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts. We’ve seen the sword and famine already in the second and third horsemen. Pestilence, disease, and overpopulation of wild beasts, typically follows war and famine. The determination of the rider is to stop the gospel at all costs, including death. 

Any form of intended depopulation is included in his efforts. So we learn faithfulness until the end, and to sacrifice all, if necessary, for the gospel to reach the ends of the earth (before the coming of Hades). 

Jesus spoke of deception, wars, earthquakes, famines, and betrayal before His return. and then He said, "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come." Matthew 24:4-14.

These three riders have been using their tactics against the preaching of the gospel throughout the church age. The enemy, the spirit of antichrist, will try anything to stop the preaching of the gospel, or undo its results—including the killing of believers and unbelievers alike. Hades follows this horse.


The first four seals reveal what John saw going on in the earth. Next we see a heavenly perspective.

9 When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they had maintained; 10 and they cried out with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” 11 And there was given to each of them a white robe; and they were told that they should rest for a little while longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who were to be killed even as they had been, would be completed also. Revelation 6:9-11

Results of the enemy’s tactics throughout this age are seen in the opening of the fifth seal—martyrs. Those who were slain because of the Word of God, and the testimony that they held, are seen under the altar in heaven.

It's interesting to note that in the Old Testament, there was a grate under the altar which caught the ashes of the burnt offerings. These ashes were used with water to purify the unclean (Numbers 19:9-19; Exodus 27:1-5; Exodus 38:4). Just as no part of the burnt offering was wasted under the old covenant, neither are the lives of the martyrs wasted today. God sees and cares about every soul. 

The prayers of the martyrs, and the saints, seem to cumulate, and when they are mixed with incense and fire of the altar, then we see things begin to happen on the earth, as we will see with the seventh seal.

THE SIXTH SEAL: Signs on Earth and in the Heavens

12 I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood; 13 and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, as a fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind. 14 The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 15 Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains; 16 and they said to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; 17 for the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” Revelation 6:12-17

When the sixth seal is opened, there is such an effect in the heavens and on the earth, that people realize the wrath of God and the Lamb is upon them. These beginning of signs, and glimpses of what is to come, when people know they will suffer His wrath (the consequence of their part in what has been happening) are an opportunity for them to repent. However, many will try and hide from God. The natural response to an awareness of one's own fallen condition, guilt, and sin, which becomes obvious when confronted with God's holy presence, is to hide--like Adam and Eve did (Genesis 3:8)

However, a better response is to expose yourself to Him--to admit to and repent of your sin. This is the response of those who hear and accept the gospel, but for those who reject it, the presence of the Lord will be terrifying. The only hope at that point would be to throw yourself on the mercy of God like David did (2 Samuel 24:10-14)

It's a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of a living God (Hebrews 10:31), but we each must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12).

Signs in the heavens to this extent obviously have not happened yet. Of course there have been earthquakes and some “signs” in the heavens, but none to the point where everyone on earth hides from the presence of God knowing His wrath has come and there is no escape. Yet, as these events begin to trickle in, they will increase in both frequency and severity, like the birth pangs that Jesus described (Matthew 24:8)

It's comforting to know that this will not go on endlessly. There is an appointed time for it to end. 

The 144,000

After the sixth seal is opened, and the earthquake and signs in the heavens appear, there seems to be an interlude which describes the sealing of 144,000 Jewish people, preserving them from what is to come (Revelation 7:1-8).

Does the sealing of the Jewish remnant indicate the beginning Daniel's 70th week? In Daniel 9:24-27 we read that Messiah would make a firm covenant for one week (seven years), this time period ushers in the second coming of the Lord. However, halfway through the "week" Messiah stops the sacrifice and grain offering. So whenever that covenant begins, it means sometime between now and then the sacrifices would have to be re-instituted, most likely with the building of a third temple. 

The Multitude Before the Throne

During the second part of the interlude after the sixth seal, John sees a multitude of saints before the throne. (Revelation 7:9-17). These are those who have come out of “the great tribulation” and have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb, making them white.  These would appear to be those who come out of the great trouble of the end times, not just the "many tribulations" we're told about in Acts 14:22. If they have "come out of" the great tribulation then that means they were in it, at least to some degree. They didn't avoid it completely.

This time of great trouble, which we see with the beginning revelation of the wrath of God in Revelation 6:17 (at the opening of the sixth seal), picks up again in chapters 8 and 9 during the time of the trumpets. There will be countless believers from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation, making their way before God during this time. 

THE SEVENTH SEAL: Silence, Prayers, Preparation for Trumpets

1When the Lamb broke the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. 2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them.

3 Another angel came and stood at the altar, holding a golden censer; and much incense was given to him, so that he might add it to the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar which was before the throne. 4 And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, went up before God out of the angel’s hand. 5 Then the angel took the censer and filled it with the fire of the altar, and threw it to the earth; and there followed peals of thunder and sounds and flashes of lightning and an earthquake.

6 And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound them.

When the seventh seal is opened, the book is fully opened. There is silence in heaven for half an hour. This transition time from the seventh seal to the first trumpet may very well be when the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled and the 70th week begins. In any case, the transition from the seals to the trumpets begin with the prayers of the saints mixed in with incense and fire of the altar (Revelation 8:3-6). I believe the prayers of the martyrs seen in the fifth seal is a part of this.

Incense was used in the Old Testament to protect the priests from being consumed by God's holiness when they went into the holy of holies to make atonement for themselves and the people (Leviticus 16:12-13). It was also used to stop the plague of God's anger when Aaron stood between the dead and the living with incense to intercede for the people (Numbers 16:46-50). The prayers of the saints mixed in with incense and the fire of the altar, would indicate a protection on God's people from judgment to come.

After the opening of the seventh seal, and the silence that followed, the prayers of the saints were thrown to the earth, mingled with incense and fire of the altar. This ushered in the time of the trumpets when more than their prayers were seen thrown to earth. It would seem the final dislodging of the enemy in the heavens was finally accomplished during the first four trumpets. 

As the church rises in the authority Jesus has given over the enemy, and offers earnest prayers for, among other things, God to avenge the blood of the martyrs (Revelation 6:10), we will see as Jesus described, Satan fall like lightning from heaven. He said this while He was still on earth, after he sent out the seventy to do the work of the ministry, and they came back rejoicing that even the demons were subject to them in His name (Luke 10:17-20). He informed them at that time that He had given them authority to tread on serpents, scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, yet warned them not to rejoice in that, but to rejoice that their names were recorded in heaven.

The prayers of the saints, and the church rising in the authority given by Christ, seem to have a major part to play in setting off the first trumpet, and the final countdown to the Lord's return.

From an earthly perspective, the transition goes from the sixth seal in Revelation 6:17 with signs of the beginning of the end, to the sounding of the first trumpet in Revelation 8:7. 

The time to consider your spiritual condition, the reality of eternity, and who will ultimately enforce truth and judge unrighteousness, is now.

Revised April 10, 2024