Sunday, May 12, 2024

The River of His Reality, in us


I don’t think the church grasps the reality of God to the extent He wants us to.

How ALIVE He is. Alive IN US. He is the Living God.

The enemy has sown seeds of deism IN THE CHURCH.

A hazy doubt that keeps people from understanding just how much God wants to interact with us and fellowship with us.


He’s hovering, waiting for us to call on Him, to desperately desire Him.

He is waiting for the church to come to the revelation of His intense desire to interact with us.

Revelation 3:20 reveals Jesus standing at the door and knocking, wanting to come in and dine with us.


We need to remain in constant fellowship with Him.

Filled with and aware of His presence and power within us.

So we can announce, pronounce, declare, and proclaim the Word of the King.

Like the town criers.


When we stay in continual fellowship with Him, filled with His presence, the power is there.

Continual is the key.

It’s not a stagnant pooling, but a flowing river.

Jesus said out of your belly will flow rivers of living water. He was talking about the Spirit (John 7:37-39).

A continual flow.


Keep His flowing presence strong, so it doesn’t dwindle to just a trickle. So His power is available always. The power of the Lord remaining present to heal (Luke 5:17).

Be ready for Him to call on you to release His power, His presence to heal, deliver, and do His works.


Maturity in Christ is not a stagnant collection or pooling up of a knowledge of God.

It’s flowing in the continual flow of His river, His Spirit.

Yet, while the river flows, it is still.

He leads us to calm waters. Still waters. (Psalm 23:2).


Waters that restore your soul and give you rest in Him (Matthew 11:28-30).

When the river is full, it’s moving, not stagnant, yet calm.

In this place, He will reveal Himself. He will show you great things.


“Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3).


He will show You great and mighty things.


They piece together day by day as you fellowship with Him and He reveals Himself to you.

They become a rising stream, a mighty river, overflowing your banks.


Then, like Jesus, we see Him, what He is doing,

And we do the same in like manner (John 5:19, John 14:12)

We see as He sees; we see from His perspective.


We hear Him, what He is saying,

And we say what He says, as Jesus did (John 12:49, Acts 4:13, 20).

We hear as He does; we hear with His discernment,

with His wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.


We are who we are in Him.

Our identity is found in Him.




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