Sunday, July 21, 2024

Course Correction


I heard this phrase, "Course Correction."

A course correction involves changing where you INTEND to go.

If you’re “on course” then you’re heading in the direction you intend, the “right” direction.


The word course is used to describe a charted path to get somewhere, as in a journey. A course, as in a course of study, is a schooling plan intended to bring you to a certain place—as in a career. Whatever the course or path your life is on, school or not, a course is a plan—a path to bring you to a desired destination.


If you get “off course” then you get off the path that will lead to the intended destination.




God does. Only He knows the right destination for each person (or for a nation), as He is the Creator, so only He knows the correct path to get there—the way.


Without accepting His destination or His path, we will be off course from our destiny.

·     Some intentionally reject His rule, path, and destiny for them, deceptively thinking they can plot their own course and plan their own life’s outcome.

·        Others accept His rule, path, and destiny for them but may be lured off the path unknowingly.


What I heard was “course correction.”

A course correction implies that there is an error going on that needs to be corrected in order to bring the person (or people) to an intended destination.


The question is:

·     Is the course correction needed because the intended destination is wrong? Then the heart intentions need to align with the intentions of our Creator, God.

·     Or is the course correction needed because the person(s) mistakenly got off the correct path and onto another one? Then a realization needs to occur that we’ve gotten off track and need to get back on track.


There’s a difference between plotting your own course that intentionally takes you to a place outside of the will of God and getting off course mistakenly even though your intentions are to do His will. One is intentional, one is an error, but both will take you to the wrong place.


Both our intentions and our actions need to align with God’s “course” for our lives. Otherwise, we won’t get to our destiny. So, to fix an error in our current course we need a course correction.


2 Chronicles 7:14 is a course of action for a course correction.

14 and (if) My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.


Turning from our wicked ways, humbling ourselves, praying, and seeking the face of God is a course correction.


 Proverbs 3:5-7 is instruction for maintaining the proper course.

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.

Making our paths straight means He is keeping us on course.


God, bring both types of course corrections to us and our nation!


We humble ourselves, pray, seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways

·        Hear from heaven!

·        Forgive our sin!

·        Heal our land!


We trust in You and acknowledge You in all our ways—

·        Direct our paths!

·        Plot our course!

·        Implement Your plan!


Your way is our course.

We desire, and intend, to stay on course.

However, we receive Your course corrections,

And at the proper time we will arrive at our destination, and receive the reward of our faithfulness.

Until then, we stay the course, making turns and corrections as needed.

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