Thursday, January 23, 2014

Meeting the Need

"You give them something to eat!"
Luke 9:13

I've found, at times, when I mention to the Lord that someone has a need, He will often tell me to meet that need. Sometimes this catches me off guard because I'm not expecting Him to tell me to do something about it--I was asking Him to do something about it! He did this with the disciples who came to Him and told Him to send the hungry crowd of 5000 away because they had no food. He said, "You give them something to eat!" The Lord has told me to take care of a financial need for someone else, even when it looked like I didn't have the money either! The disciples certainly didn't have enough food to feed the 5000, nor did they have enough money to go buy food. However, the Lord was trying to teach them something--you have more resources than you think you do! If you will do what He says, and give what you do have to Him, it can go farther than you ever dreamed!

The guy with the midnight friend is an example of someone who knows that the Lord is the source of all supply. He has the words, He has the wisdom, He has the power to take care of any need there is, and He said, "Everyone who asks, receives..." (Luke 11:10). Don't give up and walk away with your need unmet. Don't send others away with their need unmet, but let Him meet the need! Seek Him for the way to make it happen!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Throw Out Your Line!

"Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their utterances to the end of the world."
Psalm 19:4

The word "line" in this Scripture is *Qav. It means a cord, as for measuring or connecting. It could even be a musical type of line--a line that carries sound. This may be a sound/light type of energy, as even the Bible tells us that His Word brings light, (Psalm 119:130). God is a creative God and He has designed it so the message of the Gospel can go out into all the earth through many forms. Throw out your line--send out the Word of God through whatever voice or form the Lord has given to you. Release the sound of His Word through the creative expression He has gifted you with!

Our creative expression is our "art." We don't use it to make Jesus fashionable. We don't shape Him into something just so people will accept Him. We don't paint a picture of Jesus that implies He can be whatever we want Him to be. We "preach" the truth--even through our creative expressions. Let the creative gifting God has put within you release the sound of the living Word of God, reaching the hearts of people, so faith is conceived in their heart, they call upon Him and are saved!

*Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Your Seed is Calling

"For nothing will be impossible with God."
Luke 1:27

I think one of the major reasons people don't know their call in life, is that they overlook it--not realizing its importance. Your call may not seem significant in the beginning because it's just a seed, but it has potential to turn into something great. It needs you, however, to tend to it and nurture it. It needs you to see the potential in it way before anyone else does, and then to stay committed to its growth.